Monday, June 7, 2010

News Bulletin

We have been very busy learning all about our five Senses. The children thoroughly enjoyed bringing in their various items for the interest table, and going round the ring for each child to, feel, touch, smell etc.
Please send an item with your child for the sense of 'hear', as soon as possible.

We have painted, collaged, drawn and coloured, our faces, and hands in conjunction with our 'Senses project.

For Shabbos we will be doing the sense of 'Taste', please can you send a treat with your child which we will give out during our Shabbos Party.

We are discussing all about Winter, and what happens with the trees, leaves and grass etc, and the type of clothes we wear. We have painted a Winter tree which will be displayed shortly.

Our class will be performing a short show in honour of Gimmel Tammuz (The Rebbe's Yortzheit) which I am sure you are hearing about from your children. They are very excited and have memorised their songs and lines, and almost finished their costumes.

Parents are welcome to come and watch the children for the last dress rehearsal, which will take place on Monday June 14th-Beis Tammuz, in our classroom at 9:00 am iyh.